8 Sobriety Podcasts to Listen to in Recovery

When you decide to change your relationship with alcohol, it can be incredibly beneficial to build a sobriety or moderation toolkit to help you honor your goals. Sobriety podcasts are a great way to seek encouragement and accountability on the go. You can listen on the way to a social event when experiencing a craving or anytime you’re looking to hear how others have built an alcohol-free life that they love. Not sure where to begin your listening experience? Here are 8 of the best sobriety podcasts, curated by the team here at Monument. We’ve also shared some now inactive podcasts at the bottom that still have great content to listen to from past years. Happy listening! 

"Soberful. The Podcast. With Veronica Valli and Chip Somers" Black and white image of Veronica Valli and Chip Somers smiling at each other.

1. Soberful:

If you’re looking to gain insight into sobriety and recovery from hosts with both lived and professional experience, this is a great podcast option for you. Hosted by recovery experts Veronica Valli (recovery coach) and Chip Somers (psychotherapist), this recovery podcast offers expert insights via interviews with people who have built a “soberful” life. The hosts cover a range of topics like emotional sobriety and trauma, and have been sober for a combined almost 50 years. Soberful is full of advice for those who are sober curious, navigating the early stages of sobriety, or in long-term recovery.

Check out this episode:Intergenerational Drinking”

2. The Addicted Mind

With real stories and research to inspire, Duane Osterlind LMFT, CSAT hosts the wonderful podcast titled “The Addicted Mind.” Duane includes the latest research-backed addiction treatments and therapies, the role of nutrition in sobriety, and understanding how substance abuse affects the nervous system. Dave brings his experience as a licensed marriage and family therapist to help make this podcast feel conversational and welcoming.

Check out this episode: Healing Through Writing and Recovery with Kelly Wallace

3. This Naked Mind

Bestselling author Annie Grace explores finding freedom from alcohol through self-trust, mindfulness, and a supportive community in this podcast.  Annie’s podcast focuses on a science-based and compassion-led approach to reinvent your relationship with alcohol.

Check out this episode: Naked Life Story – Ginelle T. (Is AA not the only answer?)

"The Only One In The Room" Door handle and side profile of a woman

4. The Only One In The Room 

This podcast is hosted by Laura Cathcart Robbins, who describes herself as a “recovery-thriver.” The Only One In The Room’s concept is based on an article Laura wrote about her experience being the only Black woman at a writing retreat. Laura was overwhelmed by the amount of “othered” folks who could relate to her story. So now, she interviews them. With topics related to sobriety, race, politics, and more, each guest featured on each week’s episodes shares their personal experience being “The Only One in The Room.”

Check out this episode: Sunday Edition: Nate Kelly is the only one who drank himself into a stroke and kept drinking”

"A Sober Girls Guide Podcast" Cartoon of sunset over ocean

5. A Sober Girls Guide: 

With a casual, conversational, and witty approach, A Sober Girls Guide podcast host Jessica Jeboult invites various inspiring guests to join her in tackling topics such as dating, relationships, sex, fitness, mental health, and beyond. This podcast is accessible and fun, and even featured Monument’s own partnership manager, Daisy Gumin, in an episode about joy, sexuality, and self-discovery.

Check out this episode:Daisy: Find Your Joy”

"That Sober Guy Podcast with Shane Ramer. We Help People Stay Sober" Image of Shane Ramer fist bumping

6. That Sober Guy Podcast:

Shane Ramer is the inspiring host of That Sober Guy Podcast. After struggling with substance use disorders from a young age, Shane sought out professional care and began his journey to recovery. Shane’s podcast is dedicated to helping others discover the benefits of sobriety and a life without substances. Featuring a diverse group of guests, Shane shares all things recovery ranging from personal stories to professional advice. 

Check out this episode:Dating, Marriage and Sober sex | Tripp Kramer”

"Recovery Rocks" Playful image of Tawny Lara and Lisa Smith in sunglasses.

7. Recovery Rocks: 

Lisa Smith and Tawny Lara host this dynamic, fun, and authentic podcast about sobriety (with a touch of rock and roll). Lisa is a rock-and-roll-loving Gen X lawyer in recovery, and Tawny is a millennial writer who found sobriety through blogging. They cover a wide range of recovery-related topics such as forgiveness, relationships, and anxiety, which provides insightful tips on how to stay sober throughout a variety of circumstances. They also invite special guests to take a deeper dive on select themes. 

Check out this episode:Talking to Friends and Family About Your Drinking

"Last Day Presents: In Recovery with Dr. Nzinga Harrison. Lemonada" Image of Dr. Nzinga Harrison smiling

8. In Recovery with Dr. Nzinga Harrison

Dr. Nzinga is physician board-certified in psychiatry and addiction medicine. She digs deep into the complex factors involved in substance use disorders (SUDs), and how they show up in a person’s life. In Recovery focuses on helping people see SUDs as medical conditions. Similar to a call-in radio show, Dr. Nzinga answers questions that come from listeners through email, voicemail, tweets, and more. You can find episodes related to mental health, recovery, trauma, and all of the complex subjects surrounding them.

Check out this episode:A look at ADHD’s link to addiction

No longer posting new episodes, but good content:

"Recovery Happy Hour. Hosted by Tricia Lewis" Image of Tricia Lewis sipping from a teacup.

1. Recovery Happy Hour 

With over 130 episodes, Recovery Happy Hour podcast host Tricia Lewis has had dozens and dozens of meaningful conversations that remind us that sobriety is worth celebrating, and that life doesn’t stop when you stop drinking. Tricia stopped drinking in November of 2016 and features a wide range of stories and perspectives on her podcast. In fact, she interviewed Monument CEO & Co-founder Mike Russell about his own journey, focusing on how medication to stop drinking supports his sobriety. Recovery Happy Hour is also on Mike’s personal list of best sober podcasts! 

Check out this episode:M.A.T./ Mike


Image of Jean McCarthy with headphones on

2. The Bubble Hour

Jean McCarthy, recovery author and blogger, began hosting The Bubble Hour in 2016, and now holds an impressive listenership of more than 75,000 monthly downloads. Tune in as Jean cultivates community and compassion by sharing conversations and interviews with those who have been affected by unhealthy alcohol use. This candid and encouraging podcast gets its name from the idea of the “Bubble,” which is what we use to stay safe and happy in sobriety (especially early sobriety).

Check out this episode:Victoria Vanstone from Drunk Mummy Sober Mummy Blog” 

"Brobriety" Cartoons of knife, skull, muscular arm, fire, beard, and bottle with a crossed out symbol

3. Brobriety Sobriety Podcast

The Brobriety Sobriety Podcast is all about the intersection between sobriety and masculinity. Hosted by VanSober, this podcast tackles conversations about substance use, mental health, and wellness in the 21st century. With new guests featured on every episode, this podcast features candid discussions and eye-opening perspectives on what it means to navigate both recovery and masculinity. 

Check out this episode:Building a purposeful life with Lou Redmond”

"Getting Your Sh*t Together Podcast. WHET?" Cartoon of woman with red bandana and jean shirt.

4. Getting Your Sh*t Together

Cynthia is a queer writer, military brat, photographer, and the founder and host of the podcast: Getting Your Sh*t Together. Navigating a sober life in her 30s, Cynthia has dedicated herself to crushing stigmas and finding beauty in the chaotic side of life. In addition to her episodes on recovery and trauma, you can also find episodes that discuss “leveling up,” self-acceptance, guilt and shame, and toxic relationships. You can join Cynthia every Thursday for a new episode!

Check out this episode:What If I Can’t Stay Sober?”

"Sober Curious: a podcast with Ruby Warrington." An image of Ruby Warrington.

5. Sober Curious 

Many of us are familiar with the term sober curious or sober curiosity, and it’s thanks to Ruby Warrington. She’s the author of the Sober Curious book series, host of the Sober Curious podcast, and a well-known thought leader in the sobriety community. Additionally, Ruby is also the co-founder of the sober curious event series “Club Soda NYC”, and the online spiritual mentoring program Moon Club. On her podcast, she speaks to various people in the sobriety community to discuss their personal relationships with alcohol and how they navigate life, alcohol-free. 

Check out this episode: “Quitting for Kids with Clinton Schultz”

"Podcast, coaching, therapy. The Sober Therapist." Image of Lynn Matti

6. The Well-Minded Therapist: 

Host Lynn Matti, author, clinical counselor, and master recovery coach, offers her professional and personal wisdom for those looking to discover more about holistic mental wellness. Lynn’s mission is to help others choose moderation or sobriety, and recover from substance use disorders. With an original, quirky approach, Lynn shares her knowledge and tips for healing from stress, substance use disorders, codependency, overworking, relationship problems, perfectionism, and more. 

Check out this episode:Focus on your strengths to improve your sobriety, recovery, and mental health

Woman listening to earbuds outside

These podcasts can provide hours of diverse perspectives about sobriety and recovery. Hearing other people’s stories can provide hope, encouragement, and relief. In addition to these great resources, you can always post in the Monument Community chat, and check out our therapist-moderated online alcohol support groups. There are plenty of recovery resources and communities to choose from, and finding what works best for you is an act of self-care.

Disclaimer: Our articles and resources do not constitute clinical or licensed therapy or other health care services. If you need counseling or therapy services please contact a licensed provider. If this is a medical emergency, call 911.

About the Author

Randy SmithRandy graduated from Pitzer College with a Bachelor of Arts in Media Studies. This educational foundation has been instrumental in their approach to content creation, allowing them to craft narratives that are engaging and deeply impactful for readers seeking guidance and support in their recovery process. Randy has a rich background in media studies and a profound commitment to mental health and addiction recovery, making significant contributions to Monument's content strategy. Starting as an Editorial Consultant in October 2020, they quickly rose to a full-time role, leveraging their skills to produce insightful content that resonated with individuals on their recovery journey. As a Content Associate and later as a Content Manager, Randy's work focused on providing resources to help individuals understand and navigate the challenges of sobriety. Collaborating with licensed therapists, they developed articles that were informative but also empathetic and supportive. Randy's pieces, particularly on managing sobriety during holidays and overcoming self-sabotaging behaviors, have been invaluable in guiding many towards positive steps in their treatment journey. Randy's tenure at Monument was marked by a deep dedication to empowering individuals with the knowledge and tools necessary for recovery. Their work in content management played a pivotal role in shaping the narrative around addiction recovery, offering hope and practical advice to those in need.