Shattering the Stigma: Celebrities open up about going alcohol-free

As Mike Russell, the founder and CEO of Monument, frequently reminds us: “Drinking is something we do; it’s not who we are.” And in a society where drinking is often the result of deeply ingrained social pressures, celebrities and other public figures play a pivotal role in challenging these norms and reshaping our cultural narrative around alcohol. Many well-known personalities have courageously shared their journeys toward alcohol-free living. Among these, Drew Barrymore, Tom Holland, Gisele Bündchen, and John Mayer stand out with their compelling stories and good insights into overcoming alcohol. At Monument, we’ve gathered some of our favorite quotes and linked to their interviews below to highlight these inspiring accounts of sobriety.

Drew Barrymore on recognizing the need to change her relationship with alcohol

“This is a toxic behavior for me, and my whole life, it held me back, because I knew that I couldn’t surrender to something nor give it up. It was that definition of insanity, you do the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. I was a complete prisoner of my own behavior, and finally 3.5 years ago, I said I can’t do this anymore. It doesn’t work for me. I’m never going to be that cool girl with the glass of wine at the party. I’ll want 3 bottles. That’s just my personality, it’s my addiction, and when I finally let go of that, it made me realize that I was capable of great change that I totally rebelled about.”

Watch the interview here

Tom Holland on
the energy and clarity he gained through sobriety 

“I said to myself, if I can do 6 months without alcohol, then I can prove to myself that I don’t have a problem, and by the time I got to June 1st, I was the happiest I’d ever been in my life. I could sleep better, I could handle problems better, things that would go wrong on set and usually set me off, I could take in my stride, I had such better mental clarity, I felt healthier and fitter.”  

Watch Tom’s Interview Here

Gisele Bündchen on deciding not to drink at work events

“I don’t want to drink, and I don’t care what anyone else thinks, and I don’t care if they have peer pressure, I’m going to have my mint tea, my chamomile tea, and if they want to drink, I’m not making anyone feel bad about drinking. That is their temple and this is my temple, and I get to choose.” 

Watch Gisele’s Interview here.

John Mayer on his mood during the early days of his sobriety

“the level .. feels like boredom at first.. but if you stick with it, the line straightens out and goes kind of low, and you go “Oh I’m not having these high highs” but if you work you can bring the whole line up.” 

Listen to his journey here.


Sobriety or moderation is a deeply personal journey with challenges and triumphs that vary for each individual. Drew Barrymore, Tom Holland, Gisele Bündchen, and John Mayer have demonstrated through their stories that giving up alcohol is not a one-size-fits-all process but one that requires introspection, persistence, and unwavering self-awareness. Their experiences offer valuable insights into the power of transformation that sobriety or moderation can bring, reminding us that anyone can reclaim their life.

About the Author

Zachary Rogers is an alumnus of the University of Michigan and Fordham School of Law, where he completed his Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree. He began his career at TechGC, an exclusive community for general counsels of leading tech companies and venture funds, where he launched and scaled highly curated industry-specific communities. Currently, Zachary serves as the Director of Growth at Monument, a digital health platform focused on treatment for alcohol use disorder. In this role, he spearheads initiatives across marketing, content, and partnership development to enhance Monument’s growth. He collaborates closely with the clinical team and external experts to produce insightful content that explores the impact of alcohol in our society. His efforts are also directed towards forming strategic alliances with benefits leaders, brokers, payers, and PEOs to integrate Monument’s alcohol treatment platform into employer benefits programs. Zachary is passionately committed to destigmatizing alcohol dependency and reshaping public perception through innovative educational content and meaningful partnerships.